Line Relocation

Line Relocation

If you want to add another line to your production site, you start looking and find the perfect line to suit your requirements, but it is somewhere else in the world and it is no longer being used there. Wouldn’t it save a lot of time and money if you were able to simply dismantle this line and reassemble it on your production site?
This is where our relocation service(dismantling, packing, unpacking, refurbishment, installing and commissioning) makes it possible! And to ensure that the entire relocation runs smoothly, we support you with our combined expertise. An experienced project team accompanies you right from the very beginning during the design, planning and execution of the line relocation. It also goes without saying that Vikram will overhaul individual assemblies if required or support you in the integration of any additional new or used machinery along with required spare parts.

Vikram carries good tradition of transparent negotiations, we report our clients on every stage of works and respect time borders in order to meet deadlines